Born: 1977, Florø, Norway
Lives and works in Moss, Norway
Upcoming / current group exhibitions
Moss Kunstforening. Moss, October 2023, details.
Selected group exhibitions
The Brick Lane Gallery. London, 2020
Stenersenmuseet, Oslo, 2004
Seilduksfabrikken, Oslo, 2003
Seilduksfabrikken, Oslo, 2001
Galleri 21:24, Vestbanen, Oslo, 2002
Selected solo exhibitions
Galleri 21:24, Vestbanen, Oslo, 2003
PPU, HiO (OsloMet). practical pedagogical education art subjects. Oslo, 2007-2008
MA – Oslo National Academy of the Arts. Oslo, 2000-2004
Oslo, Tegne og Maleskole (Oslo Kunstfagskole). Oslo, 1999-2000
Kunstskolen i Rogaland (KiR). Stavanger, 1998-1999
Stipendutstillingen, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, 2004
NBK (Norske Billedkunstnere)
LNM (Landsforeningen Norske Malere)
ØBK (Østfold Bildende Kunstnere)